Sharing complex medical information helps others learn and make more informed decisions about their care. Cayleen turned to social media to learn about her procedure.
Every great story begins with being open to a conversation, asking questions and listening to what’s said and what is not. Watching emotions and reactions displays the realism of the story. Allowing the story to emerge in the individual’s own words is powerful.
Each shoot includes an executive producer, so you can be assured our crew comes into the shoot ready to begin taping a story that already been visualized by the team. The best quality video and photography is ensured using 7K cameras and high end microphones and perfect lighting for nearly every environment…along with decades of experience in video and photography and are friendly too.
The final videos or photos will be yours to use on your website or social media. No copyrights or residuals to pay. We purposely use the most cost efficient methods of production without sacrificing quality.
Location, location, location…Kevin was was right a home in front of a concert piano.
Every story told is unique. During a pre-production interview, Kevin revealed his profession is a concert pianist — internationally renowned. Where else would he be most comfortable to tell his story than at a piano. Saginaw Valley State University loaned us the use of their concert hall where Kevin shared his journey and recovery with a brain tumor.
Meeting a member of the Spinners made our day!
The people you meet. Every person has a story and to tease out the key aspects can be fun. A seasoned performer, Charlton shared several stories about his concerts across the country — those didn’t make it to the video — but his medical story did!
Taking advantage of the great outdoors is one way to relax the interviewee.
Taking advantage of great weather. Every opportunity we get a lovely outdoor shoot provides a wonderful background. For most people, this may be their first time in front of a camera. Easing the nerves allows the interviewee to relax and tell a compelling story — and fresh summer air never hurts!
Sharing your expertise helps patients, customers or clients understand your capabilities.
Share your expertise. When it’s important that people know what you do and understand how you do it, a professional video can be the answer. Placed on your website or in social media allows the video to be viewed by many. Shot in an office with special lightening gives the video visual interest.